How do you be vulnerable?

Roby Poteau
Written by Roby Poteau on
How do you be vulnerable?

Listening to research-based self-improvement books is a hobby of mine. One of my favorite authors is Brene Brown who wrote on the power of vulnerability. As I listened to the book, it quickly became apparent that I had built up walls and needed to become more vulnerable. The question was, “how do you be vulnerable?”

Even though I came to understand the idea of vulnerability and how it looked in other people’s lives, I realized those examples didn’t translate well to my life. I’ve learned that when I’m not sure about something within myself, I need to watch myself for a while. I do this in two ways, 1) I try to relive moments in my mind and see what feelings it invokes, 2) I pay attention to how I feel in real time. After doing these exercises I was able to figure out when I life was giving me an opportunity to be vulnerable. It’s when I hesitate to say or do something because something inside me is afraid of how I’ll be received. I have come to believe that if there isn’t some level of discomfort that I’m not actually being vulnerable.

Roby Poteau

Roby Poteau

Sharing thoughts and meditations to anyone interested in hearing them.


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